Sunday, March 1, 2009

this blog is one month young today!

Wow...time really flies. It's now four weeks since I migrated from my old blog to this one. I want to thank all of you who have been visiting this blog - I'm really appreciative of you finding the time to drop by and also to give comments.

Here is the raw data, obtained from Sitemeter.

Total posts - 12
Total visits - 1144
Total comments - 108
Most visits in a day - 60
Average per day - 43
Average length per visit - 2:25 mins
Total pages viewed - 1839
Most pages viewed in a day - 141

For your viewing pleasure I'm posting a photo taken (with my sold DSLR Nikon D60) during my family's trip to Sibu during the recent Chinese New Year. We were having breakfast at Aloha Cafe when a group of Lion dance troopers arrived, much to the delight of the kids present.

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My family and I love Sibu - the people and the food are always awesome! Oh yes, my friend called from Sibu just now - she's also keen on the Canon EOS 50D after reading my yesterday's post "Roland Lim - the 'king' of Canon"! She quipped, "All this while I've always wanted to own a Canon." xD


  1. Happy blog-anniversary!

    Looking forward to more nice pictures and words.

  2. Congratulations James. Now that you've all grown up (and sold the Nikon), perhaps it's time you considered moving up to a Wordpress blog. We all have! :)

  3. Don't believe? Just ask us! ;)

  4. Hi James,

    Well done! You should listen to Jan, before it's too late!

    Your blogspot blog is only 1 month old, you don't wanna lose too many hits when you finally decide to move to wordpress ;P

  5. Roland, thanks for dropping by again! I'm considering Jan's and your advice seriously ... Wordpress ... xD

  6. From one James to another ... Congratulations on the one-month celebration of the new blog
    Are you giving out cakes, candy and red eggs like in the case of one-month old babies? :-)

  7. Thanks Bro James Yong! Full-moon baby? come I didn't think along that vein? Hahaha!

  8. Happy 1st month to your blog!

    The lion dance is an even rarer sight here overseas and the couple of times we saw it, our boys were so thrilled! Thanks for sharing it, the red colours shout celebration!

    Keep blogging now!
