Yesterday morning I took some photos
So how does one take pics of a camera when there is only 1 camera? Yes, you are right - use a mirror. I sat in my car and used the side mirror to take this photo.
I'm thankful it's now in the good hands of a cool lady professional engineer. She has promised to take good care of it.
For now I'll just P-and-S with my old Olympus Fe-280 cam until my upgrade arrives. xD
Bro...can tell what camera are you upgrading to? So anxious to know la.
ReplyDeleteHi Philip - I'm looking at Canon EOS 50D, xD.
ReplyDeletedont be sad... u soon be overjoyed with canon 50D. good camera~ :)
ReplyDeleteThanks Eddie! Aiyo...when we gather again? xD
ReplyDeletejames, we couldnt find any angels to model for us. philip is soo anxious to go out shooting... and my camera masuk hospital~
ReplyDelete50D geng oh!!!! sui!!!
ReplyDeletewah... Canon 50D! That's good! I thought you like to have a D300?!
ReplyDeleteBro William - ya Nikon D300 is a great camera. It's not an easy decision, xD.
ReplyDeleteWell bro, what happened was : you took some photos OF it WITH it.
ReplyDeletePonder over it carefully - I mean the successor to your Nikon D60.
Haha! Thanks Leonard! xD
ReplyDeleteOh my.
ReplyDeleteAnother want to be Canon kaki! 0.0
Please stay with Nikon ..haha.
Just Joking.
Choose whichever you'd suit with.
Happy purchasing!
Thanks for dropping by, MalcolmW. You and I know very well the cam is just a gear, right? xD
ReplyDeleteIt's a shooting machine as far as I know.
ReplyDeletehaha.Just Joking.